Monday 27 April 2015


Government has been urged to take concrete steps to address problems affecting the country. Some of the critical concerns of Ghanaians include the erratic power supply leading to the collapse of many businesses, youth unemployment, health issues, poverty, and depreciation of the Cedi against the major currencies, which have brought untold hardship to Ghanaians. 

 The Out-going Bishop of the Effiduase Diocese of the Methodist Church, Ghana, Right Reverend Moses Quayson made the appeal at the 18th Annual Synod of the church at Effiduase in the Sekyere East district of Ashanti. The synod under the theme, “Witnessing to Christ- Holistic Spirituality With Development”, brought together delegates from the 19 circuits that form the diocese.  Rt. Rev. Quayson said it is time the nation adopts pragmatic measures that will better the lives of the citizenry. 

He noted that after the arrival and establishment of the early church missions, they did not only promote Christianity and western education as most textbooks and some scholars maintain, but also engaged in agriculture, trade, linguistic studies, architecture and improved standards of living among the indigenes. Rt. Rev. Quayson therefore implored the Methodist Church to continue to provide social amenities such as schools, hospitals, potable water and introduce programmes that will serve as support to members.

 He expressed worry about wanton destruction of the environment by mankind, leading to climate change. He said in Ghana for instance, people continue to build in water ways causing floods whenever it rains, leading to loss of lives and properties. The new Bishop of the Effiduase Diocese, Rt. Rev. Osborne Eshun said the diocese in the coming years would embark on some economic ventures such as commercial farming to augment its traditional sources of income

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